Hotel Website Design and Development

Drive direct bookings for your hotel

We pride ourselves on our deep-rooted expertise in the hotel industry, particularly in enhancing online visibility and direct bookings for our clients. Our approach to hotel website design and development is informed by a thorough understanding of the travel consumer buying cycle, allowing us to create booking funnels for different guest archetypes, guiding them through the process of following in love with your brand and selecting your hotel.

Antyra takes a consultative approach in our hotel website design process, working with you to understand your USPs, positioning, guest profiles, source markets and destination proposition. From generating traffic through story telling content to creating SEO driven destination guides for better discovery, we’ll create a complete online presence for your hotel.

We have won 4 of the top 5 web awards in the World
Let us help you shine on the global stage.
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SINGAPORE OFFICE :  +65 9870 2573
NEW YORK OFFICE :  +1 908 332 5859
COLOMBO OFFICE :  +94 77 718 3746
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top 5 web awards

Hotel Website Design – Our Difference

  • Antyra is a specialist in travel and hospitality, working with more than a 100 individual hotels, resorts and travel agencies in 13 countries.
  • We have helped our customers optimize their distribution mix and achieve the lowest cost per room acquisition through direct brand discovery and online bookings on your own website.
  • Our experts are well-versed in the travel consumer buying cycle and will engage with your brand to understand guest architypes, brand positioning and booking cycles to craft your specific brand presence.
  • We also bring together the complete marketing toolkit for hotels with SEO, PPC and Social Media Marketing to ensure a cohesive book direct strategy execution.

Why work with Antyra?

Antyra has helped hoteliers across the world generate millions of dollars in direct online bookings through better websites and SEO. We have served a diverse portfolio of brands ranging from USD 1,000+ per night luxury boutique hotels to 400+ room city hotels.

We commit to delivering websites that excel in performance and user experience. Each site is meticulously engineered to ensure rapid loading times, mobile optimization, compliance with Google’s Core Web Vitals, and rigorous security and compliance checks. Furthermore, our competitive hosting and maintenance plans, backed by firm Service Level Agreements (SLAs), assure continuous website uptime and maintenance, guaranteeing peace of mind and reliability.

Hotel website projects from our portfolio

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