Website Design Sri Lanka | Singapore | USA

Award Winning, Gorgeous Website Designs

Antyra has built 100s of performance driven, gorgeous websites across nearly every imaginable industry. As a specialist website design company with offices in Sri Lanka, Singapore and USA, we have served a global clientele from start-ups to enterprises.

All our websites are custom designed and "built from scratch" to create an amazing user experience for your users. We take a purpose-based approach, working with you to first understand your business objectives and to define what 'success looks like' for you, crafting digital experiences that further your business.

We have won 4 of the top 5 web awards in the World
Let us help you shine on the global stage.
Book a Free Consult.
NEW YORK OFFICE :  +1 908 332 5859
COLOMBO OFFICE :  +94 77 718 3746
SINGAPORE OFFICE :  +65 9870 2573
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